Sunday, June 26, 2011

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder...

Today, while I was eating ice cream, a bird pooped on me. FML.

Also, today, while I was making bacon and chicken, two boys were making pot-infused vodka.

I haven't been doing too much in my corner of the world. All work, no play; you know how it goes. I recently watched X-men First Class and Bad Teacher. They were both fun (neither was exceptional) so if you guys get a chance, definitely check it out.

On Friday, I went with Sara Gehrdes to Zen in Northampton for dinner. Sooo good. And I ate far too much food. After dinner we walked around and popped into Urban Outfitters and Faces. UO had great sale items: $5 t-shirts and banner that says "Keep calm and party on." My other purchase at UO was a pair of purple canvas sneakers for $20. Then, I bought that same exact pair of shoes at Faces for the grand total of $10. So, I shall be making a return trip to Noho tomorrow with Jenney Shamash.

On Saturday, I went over to Araba's apartment and made banana bread with her and Stefan Breitling. Then, we tossed a frisbee around. (Is that the right verb? Maybe flung?) I made a great discovery: throwing and catching frisbees is easy. Later that night there was a Civil War in the Jungle party at Marsh. It was mildly awkward; I knew barely anyone there and most people were playing. Civil War looks pretty fun actually; if there wasn't a $15 entry fee per team, I would definitely have played. We should put it on our weekly schedule next year.

And today, the lovely Anna and I biked to Maple Farm where we saw a crazy boy nearly pedal into an angry old man. We made strawberry cuppycakes today and I have been told that they are super delicious.

Annnnd I think that about sums up my weekend. Work has been going pretty well. My partner and I have been making steady but slow progress on our microinjections and I think by the middle-end of this week we will finally start actual experiments.

Glad to hear that everyone is safe and happy!

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