Friday, June 3, 2011

Time (?) Travel


I´m not sure how it happened, but somehow I have found myself in Bosnia as of late, where the ˝y˝ and ˝z˝ letters are switched on the keyboard and apostrophes are more hassle than they are worth. I left San Francisco at 11AM on Wednesday and arrived in Sarajevo at 12PM on Thursday, but it felt like the longest day ever, as it included stops in Chicago and Munich.

Thus far, I have learned that Bosnians eat ketchup on their pizza. Though seemingly insignificant, I was very taken with this idea (at the time I was severely dazed after not sleeping on the plane).

Lilia (the other Amherst student) and I are living in an apartment in a very Soviet-feeling building. It is situated in a neighborhood of like buildings that surround a grassy square with basketball courts, a fountain, and old people putzing around plazing chess on a giant chessboard. I went to the grocery store today and there was an entire aisle devoted to candy. This aisle abutted a half aisle devoted to pudding mixes. Shocking.

In other news, I wore a full suit for the first time ever today as we visited a school to promote our summer institute. I am not sure if the students were impressed.

Certainly not as impressed as I later was with myself after navigating a series of security questions on Facebook in Arabic.

Excusing the stilted English and horrifying lack of apostrophes, I shall sign off now. Until the next time!

Do videnja!

P.S. Dylan, the computers at this ˝Computer Club˝ have Chrome!

1 comment:

  1. Wait, like Chrome? or Chrome OS?

    Respect for either. Sounds like you're having an amazing time! I'll try ketchup on pizza although it sounds a little scary..
